Home Brew Recipes
Hey everyone. If you have a glut of plums, damsons or any of the other fruits in the same family of plums, then check out our recipe.

Plum wine is rich, and tastes like a deep white wine. Lots of tannins from the skins add a nice crisp dryness to the wine, while the sharp acids in the plum add a really good tingle on the tongue and gets your mouth watering.

Have a go and let us know how yours turns out.

Tip1 – Depending on the sweetness of your fruit, you may want to reduce the amount of sugar to 500g each.

Tip 2 – Depending on the juicyness of the fruit you are using, you may need to add 1-2 pints more

Happy Brewing

For this recipe, you’ll need…

1.5kg (3lb) Ripe Plums
750g (1 1/2lb) Brewing Sugar
750g (1 1/2lb) Granulated Sugar
6 Pints Boiling Water
Campden Tablet
Pectic Enzyme
Rohapect Enzyme
Yeast Nutrient
White Wine Yeast
Fermentation Stopper

Now let’s get brewing…


De-stone your plums and pop them in your bucket.

Squish the plums with your hands or a potato masher.

For the rest of the recipe, visit our website – https://www.brewbitz.com/pages/plum-wine-recipe

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