Your first batch of beer is likely going to be made in a kitchen pot or brew kettle on a stove top using malt extract. This is an easier process than all grain, which is why a lot of beginning hombrewers choose to star with this method. This video shows the entire process of making a lightly hopped, rich, malty, and full bodied porter.

A lot of folks (myself included) run out and buy a huge canning pot, or something similar, to make this first batch…only to use it once or twice and then replace it by buying bigger and better all grain brewing equipment. Clawhammer Supply has solved this issue by making a starter system that is compatible with a standalone, semi-automated, digital, electric brew system that includes a pump, hoses, and a chiller. Watch the video to learn more, or click the link below.

First Batch of Homebrew Beer Recipe:

Starter Homebrew System:

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